When you think of equipment used in construction, you probably think of backhoes, dump trucks or skidloaders. However, none of these vehicles would maintain their operational effeciency without the implimentation of the fuel truck.

Ingenuity of the Fuel Truck
On-Site Operations
Having a fuel truck on the job allows your operators to refuel quickly, keeping the need to frequent downtime to a minimum. The fuel truck also helps remove a lot of the logisitcal hassle of having equipment leave the work area to refuel.
Heavy Machinery Assistance
Operating at your best can mean running multiple machines at one time. And because it rains when it pours, there will almost always be a machine out at any given time because of fuel. Having an operator present to drive a truck around and refuel at location will bring your best to the next level.
Portability of Fuel
As we continue to venture out of the cities to compensate population growth, many work sites are becoming more remote. The fuel truck can be set at a remote spot and used to make sure the remote machinery can stay remote for longer.
Benefits of the Fuel Truck
Minimizing Risks Involved
By introducing a centralized fueling location, you reduce the travel risks taken on by the operators. As they would only have to drive a quarter of a mile instead of 15 miles. Setting up a single truck also reduces enviornmental risks associated with spilling fuel.
Supply Management
In addition to the safety benefits of reducing travel distance, less travel means more fuel saved. Your operators don't have to budget as much for their trip to get more and can use the extra saved for the task at hand. Also monitoring one supply source of fuel is far easier than monitoring 50 individual machine levels.
While the fuel truck is not the first thing you think of when you think construction, it plays an irreplacable role across the board. Not only does the truck offer safety benefits for the operator, but also logisitcal assistance for the managerial side of your staff. Reach out to Tiger Manufacturing today if you're interested in learning more about what a fuel truck can do for you!